Waves in Dark Matter

Stable Planetary Ring Structure

We hypothesize that internal planetary oscillations produce rings. Probably only the larger partly gaseous planets oscillate strongly enough to produce important visible affects on surrounding matter. This time the oscillations, however, are not the whole body oscillations that tend to place and control the planets of the sun and the satellites of the large partly gaseous planets (see the article Waves in Dark Matter and the article Dark Matter Waves And Planetary Rings ). We hypothesize that these oscillations are due to oscillating layers within the gaseous planets. These oscillations provide sharp edges for most rings that gravity alone cannot provide. These oscillations are much different in frequency and amplitude than the fundamental oscillation frequency of a planet. These oscillations are likely considerably smaller in amplitude than that of the fundamental and thus only first nodes away from the planet would be important in forming rings. Rings would form rather than satellites because the non-fundamental oscillations would not have a corresponding synchronized axial node associated with their standing wave patterns. Wide rings would be present because of continuous reflection across thick planetary layers. We have calculated some of the expected thicknesses of some of these planetary layers from the width of planetary rings in the article Dark Matter Waves And Planetary Rings . The sharp cutoffs on the edges of some of the rings without shepherd moons indicate that some planetary layer boundaries are quite sharp. Perhaps a layer of ice would be a potential candidate to produce a wide ring. Ring structure does not change because of continuing internal oscillations. Contrast this with the location of satellites which may not be where they were placed because of catastrophic events or changes in the size of a planet. See the article Dark Matter Waves And Planetary Rings .


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